
Robbery free jewelry box:

Some people are scared and worried when they leave the house because they might have some precious jewelry that they might not want to take with them wherever they are going out for the evening or even on vacation . 


The robbery free jewelry box is a box where you put your jewelry in and it is really hard to open and only you could open  it. You can make one that has a key or one that you learn how to open and it is very complicated.



My interview with a client :

Mr Johnathen: I hear you have a product that could keep my jewelry and my wifes jewelry safe?
Me:Yes,it is called the "Robbery free Jewelry box".
Mr Johnathen:Is it worth paying for and does it work?
Me:Yes,it is very complicated to open and every box opens in a different way.
Mr Johnathen: So you mean not every box opens the same way


  1. You need to research more and provide detailed design situation and the design brief.

    Primary and secondary research should be on the blog as well.

    Check my blog designyear8.blogspot.com for further instructions.

  2. Leen, create the post Criterion B on your blog, post the snip of your design specification including two sketches with the annotations for your product. Try to present more than one feasible idea for your product.

  3. I apologize as I have no Drama page to write this on:
    WWW: It was good that you completed the assignment and posted it to your blog. You were creative with your props and costume.
    EBI: It would have been better if you would've been more confident in what you were saying. Practice is best when you have to say things you are unfamiliar with. If you could also show more emotion when performing that would make it more believable.
    Criterion B: 4
    Criterion C: 4


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