drama homework and tasks

Shakespeare research task:

1. When was Shakespeare born? Shakespeare was born in the year 1564.
b.Where was Shakespeare born? Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, United Kingdom.

2.What is so important about Shakespeare? Shakespeare has become an important landmark in English literature.

3.During which approximate year did Shakespeare write "Macbeth"? Macbeth was most likely written in the year 1606.

4.List the main characters in Macbeth: Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, Banquo, King Duncan, Macduff and the three witches.

5.Where is the play set? The play Macbeth was set in Scotland.

6. What happens in the play? Write a short synopsis about what happens: Scottish general Macbeth receives a prophecy from three witches that one day he is going to become King of Scotland. So then later on Macbeth and his wife took action and Macbeth murders King Duncan and takes the Scottish throne for himself.

7. What is a thane? A thane is a man who held land granted by the king or by a military nobleman, ranking between an ordinary freeman and a hereditary noble.

8.What happens in the opening scene? Which characters are important here and why? Act 1, Scene 1:
On  a heath in Scotland, three witches wait to meet Macbeth under the pouring rain and thunder and lightning. They say that they will meet Macbeth "When the battles los and won" and when "fair is foul and foul is fair". The characters important here are: The three witches, because they are basically the ones who have the most lines and roles in this scene.

9.The three witches:

10. Find an interesting fact that you think that no one else will find about
the play: Macbeth calls Duncan "cousin" in the play though its not certain they were first cousins.

My letter to McDougal:

Our three witches performance:

Group work 

Macbeth becomes king 

During our group work in class we had to act out the scene where Macbeth becomes king. I play the role of Macbeth and I have to be really happy and enjoy the moment of where Macbeth holds the throne as king. Everyone else in our group are the people who work in the castle as either servants, 
butlers,guards and other. They have to act as they are really upset that Macbeth is going to be king and I scream at them and tell them to be happier and even more enthusiastic about it. They listen to me but in a sarcastic way as they are doing it to please me and not because they are actually happy. Macbeth on the other hand is enjoying every moment of it as his plan works and he tries to ignore the suspicion of people thinking how king Duncan died. Macbeth(Yosef) and I (lady Macbeth) try to ignore them and not show that we are scared that they are going to find out about the plan and how we murdered king Duncan.

How the fake slap works
The fake slap works when person A( the person who is slapping) raises his or her hand getting ready to slap person B( the person getting slapped). Then person B has to clap his hand without actually showing that he is clapping and in order to get the best view that doesn't show you are clapping turn your backs to the audience.  The clap is called a knap. Our characters were fighting in the first place because the boss was paying a trip to America for all of his employees for better job interviews except for one of them. He said that the one employee that stayed could be the janitor while everyone  was gone. The employee didn't like hat idea so he started to scream and shout at his boss. S boss said something rude about the employee so the employee slapped his boss. I feel like our scene was  believable enough because we seemed to be doing everything correct,y and when it was time for the slap our classmates had a good reaction which I felt was a good sign that our performance was 
believable. I feel like we could've created more tension by keeping. Our voices low then making it higher slowly until we were shouting. That could be what we need to improve next time. I think that gen slap was believable because we did all the steps required to actually present the slap properly. 

Drama reflection for choreography 
In my opinion we performed really well because we were able to perform very well and we memorized the choreography in a really good way. I fell that we could have improved if I didn't show  the knap when I was performing the uppercut on Rodrigo. Next time I will try to make my angle better but other than that I feel like we performed well. 


  1. WWW: It was good that you completed the assignment and posted it to your blog. I liked the extra props you used to enhance the atmosphere.
    EBI: It would have been better if you would've looked up more and not always down at what you were reading. You could've also shown more emotion and worked on the pacing (how fast/slow you were reading)
    Criterion B: 4
    Criterion C: 4

  2. Macbeth witches scene:
    WWW: It was good that you completed the assignment and posted it to your blog. The vocal changes (the high and low pitch of your voice) was creative.
    EBI: Your faces were covered and I could not see the emotions on your face. More movement also would have enhanced the scene.

  3. Macbeth research task:
    WWW: You completed the task and wrote in complete sentences.
    EBI: You didn't really complete #6, though. That's only 3/4ths of the play.
    #8 also wasn't completed fully as you did not truly state WHY this scene was important.
    Where did you get the information you found for #10? You need to reference where you got all your information.
    In order to get higher marks, always read and answer the directions/questions thoroughly.
    Criterion A: 5


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